Follow these few simple rules to Insure a Safe and Enjoyable Experience for All
- If you have a power craft and want to travel at speeds greater than 8 km/hr you must stay within the buoys and travel in a counter clockwise direction.
- Idle speed is to be used outside the buoys.
- Keep your distance from swimmers, tubers, kayakers, paddle boats and rafts and reduce your speed when approaching other lake users.
- The maximum speed on the lake within the buoys is 60 km/hr.
- Power craft on the lake are limited to the hours of 10 am to 1/2 hr before sunset.
- While using the boat launch please have some consideration for the immediate neighbours, keeping noise down, and only use this area for launching and retrieving your watercraft.
- Through self policing, respect and an appreciation of how special our mixed use lake is, we can insure the safety and enjoyment of all lake users.