
Prospect Lake is a pleasant spot for anglers who are looking for some time on the water. The lake  produces both rainbow trout and smallmouth bass in spring and fall. 

Freshwater Water Fisheries Society of BC ( stocks catchable rainbow trout into Prospect Lake every spring and fall. Smallmouth bass fishing is best in May and June, as well as in October and November. 

Fish stocking records indicate the lake has been stocked with rainbow and cutthroat trout starting in 1919.  In recent years the stocking has been primarily rainbow trout.  Each year the lake is stocked with 1,000 to 5,000 rainbow trout.

Please make sure of the following:

Protect sensitive habitat and lake health: 

  •      Travel slowly in shallow waters.
  •      Do not disturb wildlife.
  •      Avoid contact with underwater vegetation.
  •      Minimize your boat wake – it can cause shore line erosion.
  •      Follow pack it in, pack it out protocols – garbage is deadly to fish and birds.
  •      Do not throw fish waste overboard.